WiFi Social Login: Go Viral!

Forget long passwords and identity documents: customers connect to your WiFi network with their Facebook, Google+, Twitter or Linkedin profiles.

Network access with Social WiFi is easy, safe and fast. No forms to fill in.

Share your network now!

wifi passdock

What can you do with WiFi Social Login?

  • Get more information about your customers directly from the control panel;
  • create/increase your customer database to use in marketing campaigns;
  • Get customers to install your pass with ease, and always stay in touch with them.
  • interact with your clients via Email or SMS;
  • send private offers.
  • increase visits to your Social Network pages;
  • get more indirect publicity on Social Networks;
e-max.it: your social media marketing partner

Why use WiFi Social Login?

Only 3 clicks to connect with your Customers!
Thanks to Passdock's WiFi Social Login tool you will:

  1. Get more visibility on social networks (your customers will share their experience and increase brand awareness);
  2. Increase your brand's reputation (gain 'likes' on your social pages).
  3. Increase sales opportunities (you can constantly interact with your customers and respond to their needs).


Passdock, the complete platform for your digital marketing.

Pass, WiFi, Adv, SMS, Email campaigns. All in one tool.

Try Passdock now!

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