Create Passbook mobile passes: Simple as it can be
With Passdock you can create real-time examples of boarding passes, movie tickets, discount coupons, loyalty cards and more, all to be sorted within the 'virtual wallet' Passbook. Passes will be associated with time and place and will appear in the Lock Screen at the time and place desired.
This implies that having Passbook on their apple device, the individual user will be able to display notifications concerning the expiration of the coupon, the location of the numbered seats for a concert or the balance remaining on the board of the pub.
Furthermore with GPS enabled mobile devices your customers can be alerted when they are approaching or close to your business, thereby gaining the opportunity to take advantage of a discount coupon, or being warned about any change in the boarding gate for their flight.
We of the Passdock team found it necessary to give you a series of practical examples of event tickets created for Passbook (Passbook event tickets), along with the practical Passbook coupon and Passbook subway ticket.
This serves to further elucidate and facilitate the creation and instant modification of the passes for Passbook, with a preview to accompany the best step by step process for the creation of your pass; a key benefit obtained while using our Passdock service.
Do not hesitate to embrace our worthwhile Passdock service.
Check out our pass or contact us to develop and explore new possibilities of commerce with mobile passes for Passbook.
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